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Dare to Begin

At the start of the New Year, one of my best friends asked me how to find elusive motivation... that daunting part of beginning a fitness journey. Starting can seem like a most intimidating prospect, so it's best not to focus on how far away your end result is. Focus instead on the small steps that will begin your process. Make small goals that are attainable and once you've reached them, then set new goals for yourself. Your goals may change along the way and that's ok, because you are changing too.

It doesn't matter where you are in your journey... your first goal may be walking to the end of your driveway and back, it may be a brisk walk around the block, or it may be running your personal best 5k. Whatever your goal, be gentle with yourself and dare to begin.

Motivation comes from a variety of inspiration... the other day when I was driving home I saw a little elderly woman, her shoulders rounded with age, running at a fast clip down the street, literally she was booking it. She gave me the motivation to lace up my running shoes when I got home to take one of my dogs for a run! I always find it impressive when motivation sneaks up on me in unexpected ways. I know the Universe is sending me a little gift of inspiration. Wherever you find it, let it fuel you, but most importantly keep going. Stay inspired.

I've been on all sides of goal setting... a competitive athlete seeking my personal best, a former athlete rehabbing from orthopedic surgery, a pregnant woman trying to find my new "personal best," a new mother just trying to find the energy, an mom-entrepreneur trying to find the time, a fighter trying to find my strength... the struggle is real. But in the words of our former First Lady Michelle Obama "Let's move!"

I remember once when I was running, I had a coach tell me: "It takes about 20 minutes to walk or run two miles. Never say you don't have time." It's true, when you put it in that perspective. What's twenty minutes out of a 24-hour day?

Keep it simple, set your goals and make them attainable so you can climb that ladder to your ultimate goal, write them down, and be consistent. Most importantly have the courage to dare to begin.

In gratitude,


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